Now that my fellow students have learned about my BC, I thought I should constantly post in this blog so that they know that I'm alive and kicking :-) It has been a week since my last infusion and I feel much better eventhough I caught a skin infection near my mouth. My blood count has risen I hope, as I'm not as pale as before. Thanks to Farizah for bringing me the crab meat soup. The idea came from back home, they say if one is infected by dengue fever, give him crab meat soup to boost the platelet count. It's true as I came across a site that gave me an idea of what to eat to boost the blood count - seafood! Some suggested lamb/mutton soup to boost the blood count. It doesn't work for me as my blood pressure shot up when I ate lamb/mutton.
It has been a good bank holiday weekend; of course I did not go out and join the crowd to hunt for bank holiday bargain. No money, stay quiet! (tara wang duk diam2 looo). Without the allowance, if we could put food on the table, it's already a blessing. No luxury, just live within our means...I've sent an appeal letter to my sponsor; this time attaching a reference letter from my doctor telling that this is a life threatening condition and I should continue with the chemo that I have started on. If they don't understand, I just don't know what they are thinking about. And as for me, whether they approve or not, I'd still stay and proceed with the treatment. I'm a free man and I get to decide what's best for my life. If I die, they are not going to mourn for my loss, my family will. At most, my employer will talk about it for a week; after that they will simply find a replacement for me. Those emails in circulation about treating your family first, is very much true. So, to my workaholic friends out there, work smart. Don't stay til too late at the office, cheerish your family while you can.
I'm quite touched about the news this morning about the gunmen in Turkey killing 44 in wedding massacre. What has happened to the world now as there seems to be no peace at all! A wedding is supposed to be a happy and joyful ceremony and it turned out to be a massacre. Morale of the story, life is so fragile and we should always be ready...
6 months ago
Salam Ti...
Hidup kita pilihan kita sis. Bukan pilihan org lain. Munajat padaNya dan buat pilihan ikut gerak hati you. Peduli yg lain. nIf your sponsor buta hati, then letakkan keyakinan you selama ini yang rezeki Allah ada di mana-mana. Bukannya you lari taknak habiskan program you.
This is a test for you to realign your life, I believe.
Kacang botol pun bagus untuk naikkan sel darah putih. Minta org poskan or bawa if they drop and jenguh you... mungkin ada jual kat London? Kacang botol sayur green lagi, lebih better dari seafood yg mungkin elok kan satu benda tapi naikkan bende lain pulak... Tapi kalau susah sgt nak dpt, makan dgn Tawakkal padaNya... Allah Maha Mendengar doa hambaNya yg dalam kesusahan sis.
I do'a for you from afar. Take care.
W'salam Raden, are right. Rezeki Allah ada dimana-mana. I kalau cakap yg I takde beras, satu Nottingham hantar beras kat I nanti :-)
About kacang botol, emmm another wonder of the tropical rainforest. Kecik2 dulu nak makan kacang botol, petik je kat tepi pagar. Kat sini, nanti I cari, rasanye kat Nott ni ada jual kot...
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