Well, this is my first entry for the month of August. I’ve been keeping myself busy; early of the month preparing for the presentation at the conference in Dublin, and packing for home, right after.
We touched down on 16th of August, 2009, greeted by close relatives. They left soon after they sent us home. Unbelievably, the H1N1 (swine flu) is even worse here, people are wearing face masks. Unfortunately, my workplace is one of the high risk area with one death case reported so far.
I haven’t been to the hospital for a follow up on my cancer. The hospitals are now packed with H1N1 cases and hospital would be the last place I would visit. I’m feeling good and I don’t want to risk myself with other kind of sickness :-)
Food to help cure cancer are easy to find here. I bought my first soursop last week at Carrefour nearby. It really feels good to eat it fresh compared to the powdered one that I used to mix with my morning coffee. Asparagus is also available but I have not bought any yet as my blender is still on the way. Lemon grass can be found in abundance. During our last visit to my sister-in-law’s house, she gave me lots of lemon grass and I have planted some in my garden. During this fasting month, I can’t find the good time to drink my lemon grass tea and infact I seldom drink hot beverage because it’s hot here – I either drink plain water or iced beverages.
Other than food, I’m massaging on my ceragem everyday. Ceragem is a massage bed where it has hot jade balls to massage our body around 40 minutes per session. I use the external balls to massage my breast. I hope it will kill the cancer cells - same effect as the radiation would be. The lump has gone; if there is, it really is tiny and I’m not worried about it at all.
As for exercise, frankly speaking, I don’t do a proper exercise during this Ramadhan month. My only exercise is the tarawih prayer that I perform at Masjid Al-Falah everyday. For the benefit of my non-muslim friend, tarawih prayer is an additional prayer that we do during the month of Ramadhan. At Masjid Al-Falah, the Imam reads a chapter (juzuk) of the Al-Qur’an everyday. The total of 23 rakaat takes around two hours to complete. I sweat a lot; hopefully the toxins is get rid off together with the sweats…
I should say I’ve settled down comfortably at my home sweet home and embracing Ramadhan as if this would be my last…
6 months ago
1 comment:
Hello yati this is sanya.Was missing you all so so much.So decided to see what you was up to.You have updated your blogpage.It is so nice to hear that you have settled in and are feeling positive.I pray you a healthy and long life.Give my love to the kids hopefully speak to you soon.love always sanya
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