In my quest to know more and more about cancer, I came across an ebook written by a doctor who had 3 of his family members died of cancer. I had to buy it for USD39.95 but the information was worth it!
This ebook has given me the answer that I'm looking for. Believe it or not, every human being has cancer cells in his or her body. Mine has triggered because my body lacks of OXYGEN. In a low-oxygen environment, cancer cells can multiply into a full-blown disease. In my case, the lump has turned cancerous.
Cancer cells are anaerobic, meaning they can live in an insufficient oxygen environment. But when they are given lots of oxygen, they will die. In the ebook, the author has been preaching about oxygen therapy, namely ozone and hydrogen peroxide. I'm willing to try the ozone and have already bought an ozonator for my drinking water. Hydrogen peroxide? I don't dare to try it yet as it sounds scary...
Now that I know the root cause of my disease, I intend to treat it at root. My sister and friends have been persuading me to take Transfer Factor which they say could reduce the size of the tumour. From my reading, TF is boosting the immune system and guess what it's made of? Colustrum and egg. And how much does a monthly consumption cost? RM750! And it's through Direct Selling. No wonder the uplines are making a hefty sum of RM45K per month. Good money eh? If they really want to help, why are they taking advantage of other people's mishap? How many cows and chickens are there in this world that could produce colustrum and eggs? Going back to the ebook, in the introduction section, the author was telling about disease being a big business. Pharmaceutical companies makes lots of profits and often times the drugs do not cure the disease but to relief the symptoms so that the patients have to continually take the medicine. Nutritionist would not want to be left behind as they are taking advantage and making profits too. They would say that their products are not medicine, but supplements to help cure the disease. NONSENSE!
As far as my immune is concerned, I guess I still have a strong immune system as I feel fine with the after chemo effect. No doubt I feel a bit nausea, like a pregnant woman (although I'm not pregnant). But then again, I have experienced it five times already through my pregnancies and I can pretty well cope with it. My intention now is to really work hard on my PhD, finish it as fast as I can so that I can go back to my home country. When I get back, I would like to settle down in my hometown where there are abundance of oxygen (a country life as they term it here). I'm going to breed my own chickens and fishes or cows for that matter, and plant my own vegetables. I want to lead a healthy life and who knows I might live to see my great grandchildren...
6 months ago
InsyaAllah kak yati..pray hard and work smart...doa saya moga kak yati dpt segera pulang..dan bergelar Dr Yati Hamid..take care..:)
k.yati, interesting book! nak baca sekali bulehh kak!!!
TQ Shasha, if you could give me a little clue, I would have known who you are...
And Yasmin, bleh email me at for the ebook...
amin.. be strong Yati ~pyl
Hi yatibahar
I would like to get a copy of the one minute cure ebook so that I can help people looking for a cure. Could you email it to me? You can contact me from
With blessings to you on your way to complete recovery.
Hi Yati,
I would like to have a copy of your 'one minute cure' ebook.
I'm a patient of somekind of peculiar neurological illness. I've consulted several neurologist and traditional cures.
But all I get is disappoinment:(
So I hope that this one minute cure can get me back on track with my life.
You can mail me at:
Yours truly,
Hi Yati,
Do you know that asparagus has natural curing properties for cancer :) ?
My sympathy.]
have tried hydrotherapy. very effective.
pls i'll like to have a copy of the one minute cure. my email is
Dear Yati,
I share your setiments- I've a FRIEND who is fighting cancer, so I'd like to get this book on his behalf- Please email me at
as soon as you are convenient to.
MaNY THANKS and God Bless you
Hi Yati, if you have a spare copy of this book, please send to I hope you are in good health. You said that you were undergoing chemo! Is this at the same time as the ozone treatment! If yes, would this not impact on the healing process. Would it be better to stop one treatment for a certain period, so you could assess the benefits or non-benefits of one treatment over the other! Lastly, our bodies are always trying to tell us something, if something tastes awful, or their are horrible side effects, we should take heed and stop what ever is making our bodies react in such a way. Chemo, is outright dangerous, I'm sure you already know this, some research suggests that it only has a 20% success rate or 80% failure rate. Any way, good health, and success in your academic studies.
My Father in law is fighting Terminal cancer, I would lvoe to get a copy of this book to help him! Thanks! my email is
I think my wife has breast cancer. I don't want to contribute to a hoax. Could you send me a copy of he ebook o review. If it think it has merit, I will buy it from the author.
Dear Mba Yati,
Namaku Iwan Jahja.
Saat ini pamanku lg sakit anemia berat dgn HB sangat rendah.
Saya tertarik dgn E-book one minute cure ini.
Apkh boleh saya minta dikirimkan salinan nya ?
Email saya :
Terima kasih & Tuhan memberkati
hi, could you please send me a copy of the book. I have problems myself and would try anything.
Hello Yati,
May I also have a copy of the ebook of one minute cure? I too am looking for answers please
My email is
Thank you in advance and may all of us strive toward a healthier future.
I would like to have a copy of the 'one minute cure' ebook.
Good luck and I am sure things will work out great for you. Please share with me the ebook at
Hi Yati,
Could you please send me a copy of one minute cure ebook. I am completely sure that it helps me to cure my Stage III kidney cancer. I had radical neprectomy surgery /kidney is removed/ and now I am struggling to defeat this illness not using medicine /I had 3 courses of inferferon alpha instead of 6 stopped) and believe a human body and mind has the power to rectify its mistakes. I am from Mongolia, have 3 children. If I have this ebook I know I would be 100% healthy soon and have plenty of plan in a future. Thanks. My email is
Hi! I would love to get a copy of this book. Can you email an ebook copy of it. Thanks!!!
Here's my email:
Hi - I'd appreciate a copy of the Ebook. Thanks
Interesting information, please send me a copy of the ebook...
hi, i would also like to satisfy my curiosity -please email me the book also at
thanks kim
I would like a copy of the book as well -- I'm am looking to enter into the wholistic health consulting field and want to have info on as many different things that are available and help people make informed choices that are congruent with themselves.. -- always open to new and amazing possibilities! - email at
Be sure to look up Cesium Chloride also. It is safe, but you do have to monitor your blood Potassium levels so you do not become deficient in Potassium. Most people either eat more Potassium rich foods and/or take a slow-release Potassium supplement when taking Cesium Chloride.
This works VERY FAST!
All malignant cancer cells in the body should be dead within 30 days unless you have an enormous tumor.
Cesium Chloride works by changing the pH of the malignant cancer cell so it becomes strongly alkaline, that is, a high pH. The Cancer Cell cannot survive this and dies. Cesium Chloride cannot be pumped out of a cancer cell, it builds up and that is what raises its pH. Normal non-cancerous cells simply pump Cesium Chloride out with no problem.
Some INFO:
You would also benefit greatly from a RAW FOOD DIET. There is lots of INFO on the internet because people are now becoming aware of what COOKING does to nutrition (destroys it). You can eat the best ORGANIC foods in the world, but if you cook them, you destroy Vitamin C, E, etc. For example, canned food has about 85% of the nutritional benefit destroyed. Look at the animals in the world. How many of them process their food with HEAT before eating their natural diet? Answer: NONE. Only mankind nukes their foods with HEAT.
See what happens when Gorillas do not get their natural RAW HIGH VITAMIN C diet:
Concentrate on raw food books that mention Food Combining. Food Combining is not magic, it simply helps you to digest your food more efficiently instead of having indigestion with every meal. Indigestion means you are NOT getting all of your nutrition!
Hope this helps you!
Quite interested in the 'cure'. Good luck in your recovery. My email is:
thank you and best wishes.
Hi - I would like a copy of the e-book too. Much appreciated, Callie.
Sorry - Callie here again. My email address is Thank you!
hi there,
I wish you well & hope you find a cure. If you are still willing I would appreciate a copy of the book,one minute cure..., as I have been frantically searching for some answers for my Dad who has emphysema. my email is:
Best wishes to you always
Hey there, I would like a copy of that One Minute Cure Ebook please :) .. It would really benefit me right now! I need it! I would be so grateful to get it from you,
email me at
Thank you,
hi Yati
May I have a copy of the ebook on the one minute cure as I always enjoy helping other people to heal I will like to pass on this healing spirit if it is really effective, read about the lemon grass tea and sour sop fruit that helps cancer, its natural and will cause no harm. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
from j said,
my email addy is:
looking forward to receive your ebook, Thank you
Could you please send me a copy of the one minute cure? My email is
Thank you!
Please mail a copy to
I really would appreciated if you could sent me the e-book. My Mom she has breast cancer and now is spread to the bones tissue. PLEASE and Thank you. Matylda.My
Could you please send a copy to me at
I pray this is for real
Could you please send me a copy of the one minute cure? Both my MOM and Big sister have Cancer and I suffer from Asthma my whole life.
We have tried Colloidal Silver (30ppm) Alkaline water (I made them each a separator unit - Ez) and both Hulda Clark Zapping and Bob Beck Blood Electrification with self-made machines. All of it Helps, but not cures yet (?) I would try RIFE too but why bother if 3-12 drops of H2O2 in a glass of water can cure it all?
My email is
Thank you!
If the offer is still open, I'd like a copy please. With cancer hitting two Grandparents, both Parents, and many other maternal family members, it's time to put this in it's place.
Thank you
Am I able to get a copy of the book. I would like to believe that it works.
Hello Yati,
Would you please email me a copy of the book?
God bless you and I will pray to everything will go well with you.
my email is
Thank you.
I believe that you're going to achieve everything you want with such a positive way of thinking!
Is it possible to send me a copy of the book on
Good luck with your future.I pray all of your dreams come true.Please send me acopy of your book on the one minute cure.
god bless
Glenn myaddress is ...I live outback australia and I wrestle crocodiles and box kangaroos and chase
Dear Yati,
You are so brave.Keep strong in your quest.
I would truely appreciate a copy of the E-book "One minute cure all diseases"emailed to me .I have many friends who need a cure.
Many Thanks
God Bless
Hello Yati, i trully hope that you and your familly are doing great.I send you my best wishes for both your recovery and your PhD. I would like to ask if it could be possible get a copy of your book as my husband has allready lost his mother to cancer and now his sister has it. So i guess you understand the state of shock his familly is in. I thank you in advance and best of luck with the future. Yours truly Alexandra
Hello Yatibahar,
Cancer killed my mother, and I dont want anybody else dying. Please can you send me a copy if you still have any available.
nice article about potassium...very informative and beneficial for me...thanks
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