I met the oncologist again this afternoon for another biopsy. The reason for another biopsy is that I'm involved in the genetic study; the previous one was a sample for being involve in the trial, and this time is for the genetic study. I told him about the long-lasting bruises and the mass that I thought was the tumor which has spread. Luckily it's not. The needle of the last biopsy must have hit a vein and there was an internal bleeding. It will go off. Today's one is much better. It didn't bleed that much and it wasn't painful at all.
One good news for today, the tumour has shrunk a bit. The last measurement was 4.5 cm and it has gone down to 4.0 cm. The affected glands under the armpit have shrunk as he could not feel them anymore. What a relief! My graviola, lemon grass tea, yoga, ozone treatment and the prayers really help. Alhamdulillah.
The second infusion which was scheduled for tomorrow, has been postponed to next week. He felt sorry for my sore mouth and thought that it should be treated before I go for the second infusion. He prescribed for me some antibiotics and the oral rinse to help ease the pain.
I'm having 'bubur McD' today. We had our helwa gathering last Saturday and the host, Mazlina or Mama2D gave a demo on how to prepare it and we get to bring some home (like berkat for kenduri) . My two younger daughters finished it off almost instantly. Since my mouth is still sore, something soft would be good, so I cooked some.
My weight has also gone down a bit. Other people have been trying hard to lose weight and mine came down naturally. Well, having cancer is not too bad huh :-). Cancer anyone? This reminds me of the comments from Mamayati & Raden. Glad to know you, ladies. Although people say I'm a one tough cookie, a strong support from friends who share the same experience will really help...
6 months ago
Dear Yatibahar...
You sound so okay in your entry today..alhamdulillah...you lose weight easily too.. unlike my case I gained weight during the chemo session... 10 kg and when I take tamoxifen...the weight increases too... but it never gets into me... alhamdulillah.
anyhow, hang in there and stay strong ok? berputus asa jangan sekali, itu sifat dikeji Allah. Usaha dan tawakkal selagi hayat ada..sakit yg diberi ujian kasih dariNya..jika kita hilang pedoman, murka Allah sbb kita mudah berpatah hati dgn ujian dariNya ini...mcm kita tidak redha pula...
God bless.. *hugs*
TQ Raden,
I'm pretty well ok. The oral rinse and the antibiotic really help to reduce the pain. Opps, Guess we are the same huh, ER+. I'll be taking tamoxifen too but not so soon. Still have a long way to go, with the chemo, surgery and radiation.
Since the very beginning I've been accepting it well, redha dengan ketentuanNya. Apa-apa yg kita ada ni, dipinjamkan oleh Allah. Whenever He wants it back, He will get it back. Luckily they postponed the operation. If not I'd be bouncing with one too eh...I hope I'd settle with lumpectomy only...
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