The nurse gave me lots of booklets to read about breast cancer and what would the treatment be like. I've been reading about chemotherapy to understand it better so that I know what to expect during the treatment. One prominent one would be hair loss. From what I gather, there are some types that would not result in hair loss. I hope I'd get that one. I just can't imagine how I'd look like being bald! Luckily I'm always with my scarf on so that when I go out, people won't notice the difference. Cancer patients here are provided with wigs. Any suggestions on what colour should I get one? Blonde? Brunette? Black? Purple?
Yesterday the nurse gave me a book for children entitled "Mummy's lump". It uses simple words and pictures to help explain to children what happens from the time of diagnosis to the end of treatment. The breast cancer care here is very well advanced in that they even have books on how to convey the message to young children. I wonder if we have such thing in our country.
On another note, the graviola powder that I ordered has arrived. I have already tasted it, sprinkled some on my food. According to the seller, there are studies made in Japan and in Perdue University (Indiana) with exceptional results about this plant in treatments against cancer. They found a great amount of Acetogenina, a sustain that attacks cancer cells and does not destoy the good ones. Maybe I should look for some breakthroughs in breast cancer on the net. The oncologist mentioned about a clinical trial chemo drug which could be an option for me. I'll get to know more about it on Friday...
6 months ago
kak, saya dah taip pepanjang tapi ntah mana tak upload plk kat sini....huhuhu sidih... ni saya try taip semula.
Kak, membaca ttg penyakit yg dihadapi memang bagus untuk memotivasikan pesakit (dan orang yg menjaga pesakit). Dengan pengetahuan yg lebih, insyaAllah pesakit dan keluarga boleh jadi lebih positif dan bersedia menghadapi rawatan/kesan rawatan. Lagi satu boleh juga chat atau berforum dengan orang-orang yg pernah melalui penyakit yg sama. Ini pun satu alternatif dlm membantu pesakit dan keluarga lebih faham ttg options yg ada utk rawatan dll.
Akak, saya cadangkan akak pilih wig warna pink (hehe sori kak, saya gurau2 jek). InsyaAllah rambut yg gugur akibat chemo tu akan tumbuh semula. tengoklah mrhenri saya tu. Dulu botak licin, sekarang alhamdulillah dah boleh bikin jambul.
Kak, buku kekanak ttg breast cancer tu menariklah kak. Ada dijual ke? Kalau ada boleh akak kongsikan info ttgnya. Saya pun teringin nak baca. Atau kalau ada rezeki boleh beli dan wakafkan di hospital di Malaysia ni kan. Saya tak fikir buku macam tu ada di sini at least not at public hospital.
Ok kak. Doa saya terus utk akak agar Allah permudahkan rawatan akak dan semoga akak akan sembuh seperti sedia kala, up and running about, contributing you precious IT knowledge to the world. Amin...
TQ Izan, Allah SWT turunkan penyakit beserta dengan ubatnye sekali. Well, let's see, will I look good in pink wig? We'll see...
There is an option of a cool cap to be worn during chemo. Maybe I should try coz' my hair grows very slowly...
oooh pink...glamour gituk...
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