Last Saturday, our Education Attache, Puan Azimah and her husband came all the way from Manchester to visit. I'm very pleased to see her and really appreciate her strong support in this.
Another occasion that cheered me up during the weekend was being able to communicate with my daughter back in my home country. She is sitting for a major exam this year and I hope this news doesn't affect her in her studies. True enough, she's as strong as her mother; all that she asked was "how could it happen?" Good question Aina, it's for you to find out. I hope it will further spark her interest in becoming a doctor or an Oncologist. As for me, I can only educate people about this through my own experience...
6 months ago
i managed to read this today and i am shocked. we were roomates and here we are now. You're there and I am here. BUT, my prayers has started flowing to you. i wanted to cry but i saw Oprah yesterday and she said something "you only need to give good energy for sick people to get better". so i will only give good vibes to you !!!
i know you are strong from day 1. so i know you are strong to face this "dugaan" from Allah.
I will always remember you regardless how many times we exchange hellos and stories throughout the years.
I was so glad that you called on my birthday !! so here we are again, "connecting"
Yati, i love you my friend. So be strong okay !! send my regards to Bahar. i will let Bahar's friends know too. Lets us pray together !!
TQ Jen,
I'm well and fine at this moment and am enjoying every second of it. Pray that the chemo won't make me feel too groggy. Glad that we are "connecting" again. Take care of yourself too, Dear.
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